What makes brands recover faster from a disastrous p.r. crisis? One marketing scientist says the “cuteness” of your logo.
Expert Interviews
Have We Been Doing Corporate Social Responsibility All Wrong?
CSR has become an integral part of a digital marketing plan. But have we been doing it wrong all this time?
The Bulletproof Glass Effect: Unintended Consequences of Privacy Notices
You’d think that putting a privacy notice on your site puts consumers at ease? Nope. In fact, it’s the opposite.
Why Do Your Religious Customers Complain the Most?
Why are religious people likely to be much less forgiving when your brand makes a mistake? The answer: Justice boners.
How to Reverse the Negative Impact of High Frequency Ads
Is it possible that if we push through the uncomfortably high frequency, yes, even if that generates short-term negative feelings that eventually, the consumer will warm up to the brand?
The Upside Of “Negative Social Distance” in Online Reviews
We've heard the advice, "Avoid getting negative reviews on your product or company at all costs." Sometimes that leads to shady practices like bribing or suing websites that publish them, but are negative reviews always detrimental? Nailya Ordabayeva and Lisa...
Everything About Local SEO You Need to Know (with Joyann Hawkins)
When people first get into digital marketing and they hear SEO, they think, "Okay, got it. People search Google, I want our company up top." What people often don't realize, at least not at first, is that there are multiple SEO practices because there are multiple...
Everything About Meta Ads in 2022 You Need to Know (with Andrew Foxwell)
Between iOS, CAPI, and the ever-broken ad platform, there’s a lot to keep track of if you’re running ads on Meta’s platform. We asked Andrew Foxwell to break it down for us.
Everything About Google Ads in 2022 You Need to Know (with Jyll Saskin Gales)
Google Ads has been undergoing a big shift to a more AI-based campaign. How is Google PPC performing this year? We asked Jyll Saskin Gales to weigh in.
The Massive Bug in Performance Max that Google Isn’t Talking About
Google’s new Performance Max campaigns have a nasty bug that sends tons of traffic to countries you have not targeted!
Are You Making People Abandon Their Carts?
In the e-commerce space, there's no end to the number of plugins, platforms and popups you can install on your store's webfront to try to juice sales. One of the biggest focuses of this category is around increasing the conversion rate between the moment someone adds...
Will Having Multiple Online Stores Hurt Your Sales?
Will selling products on an online store and a third-party marketplace at the same time cannibalize your sales and hurt you in the long term?
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