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564: Spotify Desperately Wants to Own the Entire Podcast Ecosystem
Spotify doubles down on podcasting — and that's probably not great news for the industry... Google brings Stories to Data Studio... TikTok, for a change, steals from Facebook... while YouTube...
563: Clickbait Doesn't Work — and Hasn't for 13 Years
Clickbait hasn't worked since 2009 — so why do content managers still rely on the practice? Google shares its plan to cut ad tracking from Android mobile apps. Why are holograms making a...
562: Huge Meta Bug — Those Sales You See May Not Be Real
A huge bug on Meta's ad platform is massively over-reporting purchases... App marketers will soon get better performance... Google says they're not mass-denying ads... Four steps to...
561: The Mid-Roll Ad Format Everyone is Watching Closely
Google automates even more of your ad campaigns... Is your brand name feminine enough? Will viewers reject Snapchat's new mid-roll ads? Instagram's new feature will be welcomed by social...
560: Why Google Analytics is on Europe's Naughty List
Europe keeps fighting big data — now, it's going after Google Analytics. Behind the TikTok trend of food mashups. Is paper the next big thing in advertising? Performance Max campaigns might...
559: Dong Dong is the Future of AI Commerce
The future of AI commerce is Dong Dong... YouTube outlines its plans for this year... Why more than half of marketing agencies did major restructuring in the last year... Some solid numbers from...
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